
我们是国内第一个生产氟硼酸钾活性填充剂的厂家,产品销售占80%以上的市场份额,已连续十几年出口给欧洲 Klingspor等客户。

经过十多年的研究发展和经验积累,"FOREA" 牌 各种类型和粒度的氟硼酸钾活性填充剂已成为我们的拳头产品,




The founder of Forea Abrasive Material Co., Ltd. has involved in the field of fluorine chemical since 2002. In order to meet special demand from abrasive industry,
Forea Chemical was established in 2009 as a subsidiary company of Forea Industries (Group) Co., Ltd., and became the first KBF4 active filler producer in China.

It has been a professional active filler producer for abrasive since that.

We will insist on bringing values to customers by supplying high quality active filler, and then help them to improve grinding performance.